• Artist Statement

    My work illuminates and honors the sacredness of physical space. The candid images exalt raw and honest spaces, their existence a result of either deliberate and intentional action or passive negligence. I am attracted to the beauty of how things simply are. Mundane: a painted gray brick wall with a painted gray gas pipe neatly attached. Ornate: An ancient gravestone layered with textures of red oxidation, green frilly ferns and yellow lacy flowers. Meditate in its magnificence. What does this space, in this moment, command or invite to you?

    How do we define space? We measure, divide, share, defend, and decorate it. My work compares and conjoins visual representations of the human tendency to claim and covet space, by documenting how humans exhibit their own spaces. How do we regard spaces that we are accustomed to, and those that are unfamiliar, uncomfortable, unknown?